Diamond energy brings clarity and precise vision.

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Diamond Heart Healing

Activation Workshop

Diamond Heart Healing Activation Technique • Nicola Parish

The Diamond Heart Healing Activation intention is for you as a healer, light-worker, shadow-worker, light warrior, change-maker, earth-lover and Shaman to

“Shine with Confidence as a Healer of our time”

Who is the Diamond Heart Healing Activation here to serve?

New and experienced healers who don't doubt their healing gifts yet are still hiding their talents and are longing to do the work their soul is calling them to do.

Very experienced light-workers, light warriors, healers, change-makers, excited to dive in and explore this new energy so that they can BE in their POWER even more.

Change-makers ready to bring a new vision of the planet to life by embodying the higher vibration frequencies.

The Diamond Heart Healing is for healers that are ready to let go of old healing modalities although advanced in their day for the age and atmosphere it is time to re-align their energy with a new vibration of the land and planet at this time.

Diamond Heart Healing • Bring a new vision of the planet to life

For those working many lifetimes to shed and let go of the many layers of not feeling good enough and afraid to be seen.

Those who are working towards removing the mask so we can see ourselves for who we truly are, peeling back the layers to reveal the jewels that lie beneath.

If you feel you are over-giving your energy and living life in the too fast or too slow lane.

Over-working and hiding our gifts are the same fear, fear of not feeling confident in ourselves as we are.

Conscious leaders who can feel the energetic pull of this new energetic vibration and want to use it to help themselves take aligned action.

What is the Diamond Heart Healing Activation technique for?

To activate and amplify your natural healing abilities for yourself and your clients.

For you to do the healing work, you love with ease and grace.

To feel empowered, confident, self-assured and positive in yourself and your work/ as a healer.

To feel appreciation for your work, you have already done to get to this point, shedding the layers, releasing the old patterns, as you step in even further taking radical responsibility for your healing journey.

To live your joy and not in fear of your Power.

To relax and release and let go of any cords of attachments to people, places and times past or present.

To let go of the chaos and reach a sense of calm and safety where you can think and see the truth more to live an abundant life and manifest your dreams.

To set yourself free from overthinking and beating yourself up.

Prepare to embrace your POWER as a healer while maintaining well-being and positive relationships.

To understand what POWER means and why we have been afraid of it and the misuse of it and why we need to embrace it.

Diamond energy brings clarity and more precise vision and strengthens the reality aspect of our human nature.

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Why now?

With the unprecedented times we all find ourselves in, the time when the world came home, it is clear to me that our work and responsibility in our self-healing journey is an essential part in ushering in the new world.

Energy work needs POWER, and your energy is yours to look after to hold more love, more compassion and more kindness for yourself and your family, your loved ones, your community and the world in which we all live. More change-makers to show up with heart-led work and direction.

The misuse of Power has turned us away from the vibration and energy of what POWER means. Therefore the meaning of the word has become distorted, and it is time to set a new intention power with not Power over bringing more equilibrium to our world.

There is no time for healers to be separate from their self-belief, self-assurance. Life-force energy is within us all, and by connecting to our creativity and intuition, we bring more health, wealth, and happiness to our world and those we are here to serve by living our joy.

It is time for us to stop looking for the magic outside of ourselves and know that we are more magnificent than we have ever led to believe.

It is here to re-align us to our core-values at this time for Mother Earth, as she is calling us in to use our divine love as our superpower as we bring balance within our bodies of the masculine and feminine energies.

Why me?

September 2019, in the heart of the Peak District, with I was with a group of my soul sisters on immersion to meet our medicine woman.
Diamond Heart Healing • Nicola Parish

I met my medicine woman on a shamanic journey. To my surprise, my medicine woman was me.

My medicine woman gifted me a Diamond of pinks and greens to activate and amplify the natural healing power for light-workers, light warriors, Healers, change-makers, earth lovers, shamans to use to for bringing equality for all of humanity at this time. It was here at this gathering we planted seeds of change as we listened to our most profound wisdom, and “I am a Powerful Healer” are the words that came through to plant and nourish. My relationship with Power needed attention as I resisted the word; it became clear I not only feared my POWER. I was in fear of how POWER OVER has been running the show. I am beginning to learn that POWER is energy, and we need our energy to have boundaries and stop the leaks where we waste it and give it away so freely. Being in our Power carries very different energy when we connect it to our heart-led work.

After several months of exploration, on February 12th 2020 with my guide Emily Johnsson we dived deep in another activation to find out what the Diamond Heart Healing is all about who it is here to serve, why me and why at this moment in time. The profound wisdom to share is it is from my womb space, and I have carried these diamonds for many lifetimes. It is shared and transported to you in a healing workshop from my heart space to your heart space where it travels and resides in the solar plexus, the star of our energy field—sometimes known as the POWER chakra. Now my seedling words made sense. I now believe in my Power, I no longer fear it, and I know the way to guiding you to a deeper understanding of yours.

Together we asked WHY ME? I started to sing “I’ve got the Power” which made me giggle and cry at the same time. My Power is the ability to let people release their fears without judgement, and it is when they release they relax, and let go they can receive more and see further. When we see further, we know the truth, and we are who we are here to be. It is from a place of no separation, no judgement in an abundance of love I can connect with those that are ready to shine with confidence as a healer, it is not for everyone, and it will show up for the right people at the right time for them on their journey. I also bring humour and laughter with tears, and the deep wisdom for humanity that is in my body carried over many lifetimes. Our healing work is how we BE. The gifts we take for granted about ourselves are our superpowers that need attention and nurturing.

Read my story

What happens in the workshop?

I am here to share this healing technique in a workshop transmission. Groups or Individual.

The welcoming (the beginning)

To receive the Diamond Heart Healing Activation, we prepare by grounding and connecting to Mother Earth, bringing some movement and awareness to our bodies. We dance and sing mantras to clear our auric field to open our throat and heart chakras.

We connect to our body, our higher-self, our ancestors, our spirit guides and all the support that is surrounding us. You connect to your inner-child to guide you to be in playfulness and the energy of innocence to remind yourselves what your joy is.

The activation (the middle)

The Diamond transmission is during a guided activation from my heart space to yours, with enquiry and space to listen to the wisdom, you receive from the deepest part of you to guide you on your journey.

The Diamond connects the recipient to their solar plexus their Power centre that speeds up the natural healing process. It cuts cords of energy that is no longer serving humanity and highlights old patterns that are no longer aligned to dissolve and crumble away.

Once we activate our Power, we create a vortex of the energy of love that is safe. We connect with the strength of the land we find ourselves in and connect with the stars above; we are the conductor of love in the middle.

Diamond Heart Healing • Nicola Parish

After the activation (the end)

After the activation, we come together in sharing our visions and then let the energy settle resting on the land to some music and taking some breaths and ground with some nourishing food.

We will close the space with love and gratitude, having all we need to go on. We know when a healer heals herself, she heals her family, her ancestors, across all time-lines for the highest good of all.

We release and let go together so we can relax. When we relax, we see further. When we see further, we know the truth and BE who we are here to be.

After the workshop, at home.

There is freedom for your creativity and intuition to use this healing Diamond for your highest healing vibration. Your higher-self and your team of guides will guide and support you to show up with the highest vibration of love, truth and compassion available. You lean into trusting your intuition even more and bringing your joy to yourself, loved ones, friends, clients, community.

You will continue to release energy that no longer serves.

You may be feeling confident and good to go, excited to explore The Diamond Heart Healing Technique on your own.

You may look for support and guidance. If so, I invite you to join a co-creative intimate circle of women in my mentorship programme:

Be in your Power

I want to acknowledge all of the work you have already done to get to this point, shedding the layers, releasing the old patterns, as you step up even further taking radical responsibility for your healing journey.

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