September is back to school, and there is always a lot of settling in to do for my daughters. If a friend hadn’t booked the retreat, I wouldn’t have been there. But I had already learnt by then that a relaxed mum serves all the family. When I am happy, everybody else in the family is. So here I was guilt-free, a whole weekend to myself.
Although not far from home, The Peak District is somewhere I haven’t visited often the breathtaking views of the hills and the blue, clear calm skies as we arrived set the tone as we settled into our Tepees our accommodation for the weekend.
The first night in the home under the stars sharing with four other wise women, the comparison gremlin crept in as I began to question where do I fit as a healer: the Earth-Lover, The Shaman’s, the creatives, the intuitive leaders all here and so much to offer.
We woke Saturday to a glorious sunshine day unusual for the time of year and, after a journey in our sacred space on the mat we had the afternoon for some time alone to connect with the land and ourselves.
I took a walk circling the campsite and gave gratitude for everything I saw, the friendships, the flowers, the scenery, the delicious food, the weather, my family for loving me as I am, the time to myself to listen to the answers that lie deep within us.
So why was I here comparing when I know so well that comparison is a joy thief. Why was “not good enough” feeling rising once more? A Reiki-Master a title I knew was not the whole of me. The questions and the doubts began to creep in once more.
As I reached the dry dirt track back up to the farm, the a-ha moment landed, I felt a protective energy land over our campsite by me walking this path. I felt my love, and my power reaching further than my mind could understand. I felt the essence of my healing energy that is unique to me, and by the time I walked back to reach the site, I had said to myself “I am happy being me”.
As I began accepting myself for who I am, I cleared the way to self-appreciation without any validation from outside of myself.
I felt my confidence grow.
I felt the belief in my wisdom come through and was ready for the Sunday shamanic journey back on the mat to meet my medicine woman.
To my surprise, it was me.
The medicine woman a part of myself gifted me a Diamond of Pinks and Greens to activate and amplify the natural healing powers of Light/Shadow Workers/Warriors, Healers, Change Makers, Earth Lovers, Shamans to use to bring equality for humanity at this time.
We then physically planted seeds and the intention of this gift “I am a Powerful Healer.”
My healing journey so far had already changed my life in a short space of time. My drive for others to feel the same is what kept me showing up to do the work on myself first. The more I learn about myself, the more I let go of wanting to push, please, rescue and heal everyone. It is our self-responsibility how we treat ourselves.
Slowing down and using my spiritual toolbox, I began to build on my self-confidence and self-assurance to practice showing up and guide other healers to do the same. To genuinely listen to their body’s wisdom and find their jewels within.
Connecting to the Earth and our inner- wisdom, higher self, I now know the responsibility lies with me, healing and letting go of any obstacles that tell me I’m not enough or I’m too much being in my power.
To me, being in my power, means being my authentic, vulnerable self, putting my hand on my heart and saying I love you to myself, and that is my greatest wish for you.
The Diamond Heart Healing Activation intention is for you as a healer, light-worker, light warrior, change-maker, earth-lover and Shaman to “Shine with Confidence as a Healer of our time.”
Join this co-creative circle of women to journey to remember all the parts of themselves and connect with their power and wisdom that lies within. Find your jewels to share with your family, clients and community.
Spend time “Being in your Power” and shine with confidence as a healer.
If you're ready to go deeper, meet your Power and share more of her, I invite you to a discovery call.
In this deep healing conversation, we dive into your wisdom, we explore where you have been, where you are now, and what it is you are longing to call in for the future. We connect to all the parts of you, as you rest, remember and restore.
If you are longing to feel more confident in yourself as a healer, then this is for you.
Wherever you are on your journey, we can explore together the next best-aligned action for you to take.