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3 days ago

Over the past few weeks, I’ve received countless encouraging messages privately about the courage it takes to discuss pleasure, s€x and intimacy openly and to keep going, as this work is so very much needed.

Thank you, because they have come at just the right time.

“Do people really talk to you about this?” they ask.

Let’s be honest for a moment.

Firstly, I wish we didn’t still live in a world where there are still so many layers of shame and guilt around pleasure and that it hadn’t taken so long for society and medical research to recognise the connection between overall health and sexual well-being.

It’s 2024, and while there’s been huge strides forward in progress, there’s still an abundance of misinformation and shame surrounding discussions about sex, especially when it comes to women’s pleasure.

Secondly, I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to dive into this field because it seemed lucrative.

If only it were that simple.

My journey to advocating for pleasure found me during my own path to self-love. I discovered how much I didn’t know about my own body as a woman, and thankfully, I’ve had incredible mentors who’ve helped me navigate through the shame and guilt I once carried.

Sure, there have been challenges. I’ve been called out a few times in person, and yes, I have been told, “I triggered them as soon as I walked in the room.” at a co-working event.

A woman connected to her pleasure and power can be triggering to others, so many find it easier to hide their “too muchness” in fear of being an outcast. You will hear me talk a lot about those about the days I want to hide from.

Still, the truth of what keeps me going—knowing that there are tools that I can share that women and truly incredible humans like yourself can use to empower themselves to reconnect with their bodies, especially during stages like perimenopause and beyond, where it may feel like pleasure is out of reach or for the days gone by.

What about you? Has your self-discovery journey taken you down a path you least expected? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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Over the past few weeks, I’ve received countless encouraging messages privately about the courage it takes to discuss pleasure, s€x and intimacy openly and to keep going, as this work is so very much needed.

Thank you, because they have come at just the right time.

“Do people really talk to you about this?” they ask.

Let’s be honest for a moment. 

Firstly, I wish we didn’t still live in a world where there are still so many layers of shame and guilt around pleasure and that it hadn’t taken so long for society and medical research to recognise the connection between overall health and sexual well-being.

It’s 2024, and while there’s been huge strides forward in progress, there’s still an abundance of misinformation and shame surrounding discussions about sex, especially when it comes to women’s pleasure.

Secondly, I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to dive into this field because it seemed lucrative.

If only it were that simple. 

My journey to advocating for pleasure found me during my own path to self-love. I discovered how much I didn’t know about my own body as a woman, and thankfully, I’ve had incredible mentors who’ve helped me navigate through the shame and guilt I once carried.

Sure, there have been challenges. I’ve been called out a few times in person, and yes, I have been told, “I triggered them as soon as I walked in the room.” at a co-working event. 

A woman connected to her pleasure and power can be triggering to others, so many find it easier to hide their “too muchness” in fear of being an outcast. You will hear me talk a lot about those about the days I want to hide from. 

Still, the truth of what keeps me going—knowing that there are tools that I can share that women and truly incredible humans like yourself can use to empower themselves to reconnect with their bodies, especially during stages like perimenopause and beyond, where it may feel like pleasure is out of reach or for the days gone by.

What about you? Has your self-discovery journey taken you down a path you least expected? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
7 days ago

Looking for a space where you can connect again?

Join us in my private Facebook group Time for Pleasure. where we lift the taboo on pleasure, intimacy, $ex and "O"'s!!

This is a group for Women, Vulva owners, and Magical Humans to practice prioritising pleasure.

Facilitated by yours truly.
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Looking for a space where you can connect again?

Join us in my private Facebook group Time for Pleasure. where we lift the taboo on pleasure, intimacy, $ex and Os!!

This is a group for Women, Vulva owners, and Magical Humans to practice prioritising pleasure.

Facilitated by yours truly.
7 days ago

On Friday I went to come on and do a live on Instagram to tell you about the power of the Wild Woman.

And then I played around with a filter as I thought I looked too tired and pale. I didn’t end up sharing, because I advocate showing up how we are as we are, feeling worthy and sharing our what we deem to be our flaws and faults.

So here I am after the Wild Woman’s Circle, unfiltered, tired, writing behind the scenes some emails and creating a free resource to support you as a busy mum to find time for pleasure.

How can I teach my teens to show up as they are if I can’t do it myself?


Thank you @skylarlibertyrose your post inspired me.
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On Friday I went to come on and do a live on Instagram to tell you about the power of the Wild Woman. 

And then I played around with a filter as I thought I looked too tired and pale. I didn’t end up sharing, because I advocate showing up how we are as we are, feeling worthy and sharing our what we deem to be our flaws and faults. 

So here I am after the Wild Woman’s Circle, unfiltered, tired, writing behind the scenes some emails and creating a free resource to support you as a busy mum to find time for pleasure. 

How can I teach my teens to show up as they are if I can’t do it myself?


Thank you @skylarlibertyrose your post inspired me.Image attachment

Comment on Facebook

You look lovely just as you are x

2 weeks ago

I LOVE receiving messages like this one from WWC attendees!

To experience the next ONLINE Wild Woman’s Circle™ join us

Saturday 27th April 1pm-4pm BST

Book in or find more details in the link in my bio

It’s a neat way into this work even if you haven’t done anything like it before, and if you have, let it take you deeper.

Come as you are I know it can feel a bit wobbly joining a community but there is something beautiful on the other side of letting it in.

Nicola ♥️

#wildwomen #womenscircle #perimenopause #pleasurepositive
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2 weeks ago

I LOVE receiving messages like this one from WWC attendees!

To experience the next ONLINE Wild Woman’s Circle™ join us

Saturday 27th April 1pm-4pm BST

Book in or find more details in the link below

It’s a neat way into this work even if you haven’t done anything like it before, and if you have, let it take you deeper.

Come as you are I know it can feel a bit wobbly joining a community but there is something beautiful on the other side of letting it in

Nicola ♥️
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2 weeks ago

It’s our Wild Woman’s Circle™ this Saturday.

Why join us?

We are a small online community of magical humans that gather each month to access the part of you that is untamed, unmasked and unashamed.

You will feel seen, heard and held while you are guided through an embodiment practice, connecting with each other and yourself to access your inner wisdom. We close the session with a non dogmatic ritual.

When you access the part of you that no longer needs to pretend or perform you naturally release anything that is blocking and stopping from your freedom.

Take a break from the strategy, the thinking, the doing and the hustle of daily life and give yourself some time each month to relax, rest and restore whilst having fun 🤩

A refuelled human is a gift to the rest of us and will set you up for the following month ahead.

“Love, joy, peace” are just some of the words that came through from the last session, this month we are connecting to your Seductress flavour.

Details in comments below 👇🏻
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It’s our Wild Woman’s Circle™ this Saturday. 

Why join us? 

We are a small online community of magical humans that gather each month to  access the part of you that is untamed, unmasked and unashamed. 

You will feel seen, heard and held while you are guided through an embodiment practice, connecting with each other and yourself to access your inner wisdom. We close the session with a non dogmatic ritual.

When you access the part of you that no longer needs to pretend or perform you naturally release anything that is blocking and stopping from your freedom.

Take a break from the strategy, the thinking, the doing and the hustle of daily life and give yourself some time each month to relax, rest and restore whilst having fun 🤩 

A refuelled human is a gift to the rest of us and will set you up for the following month ahead.

“Love, joy, peace” are just some of the words that came through from the last session, this month we are connecting to your Seductress flavour. 

Details in comments below 👇🏻
2 weeks ago

I am so excited to share this news with you on Earth Day.

“I’ve had an orgasm”, I read out loud as I was walking through the Park del Retiro with my husband in Madrid.

He raised an eyebrow and then realised I was reading a message from my client who recently walked through my signature foundation course, “Unleash Your Pleasure.”

Tears welled in my eyes, and I had goosebumps all over, so I had to stop and pause to celebrate with her.

You see, my client, whom we will call A (who has gracefully permitted me to share with you anonymously), had completely shut down from her pleasure and” O”’s due to some significant health problems that she had been navigating.

A is a wise woman, a magical human, and a healer. During her lifetime, she has overcome many obstacles and challenges. When she came to me, she said she just knew that she couldn’t avoid her sexual health anymore and wanted to reconnect with it, not just for herself but for her husband, too.

I’m so happy for her that after our time together, she has continued using bite-size practices and trusted herself for the process to find her inner joy and shine.

She is falling in love with her body once more, giving herself what she had been holding back, buying and experimenting with new underwear, changing her business name to her own, owning it, and using her creativity in words to share her journey.
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I am so excited to share this news with you on Earth Day. 

“I’ve had an orgasm”, I read out loud as I was walking through the Park del Retiro with my husband in Madrid.

He raised an eyebrow and then realised I was reading a message from my client who recently walked through my signature foundation course, “Unleash Your Pleasure.”

Tears welled in my eyes, and I had goosebumps all over, so I had to stop and pause to celebrate with her. 

You see, my client, whom we will call A (who has gracefully permitted me to share with you anonymously), had completely shut down from her pleasure and” O”’s due to some significant health problems that she had been navigating. 

A is a wise woman, a magical human, and a healer. During her lifetime, she has overcome many obstacles and challenges. When she came to me, she said she just knew that she couldn’t avoid her sexual health anymore and wanted to reconnect with it, not just for herself but for her husband, too.

I’m so happy for her that after our time together, she has continued using bite-size practices and trusted herself for the process to find her inner joy and shine.

She is falling in love with her body once more, giving herself what she had been holding back,  buying and experimenting with new underwear, changing her business name to her own, owning it, and using her creativity in words to share her journey.
1 month ago

We were joined by not one Ladybug 🐞 but two. I brought the outdoor plant inside for our Wild Woman’s Circle. Another gorgeous circle of women left feeling peace, love, joyful, acceptance.

If you would like to join us our next one is Saturday April 26th. For three hours of relaxation, embodiment and connection to your self and the magic part connection to others.

@micboehm77 so grateful you pass this work on for us to share.
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We were joined by not one Ladybug 🐞 but two. I brought the outdoor plant inside for our Wild Woman’s Circle. Another gorgeous circle of women left feeling peace, love, joyful, acceptance. 

If you would like to join us our next one is Saturday April 26th. For three hours of relaxation, embodiment and connection to your self and the magic part connection to others. 

@micboehm77 so grateful you pass this work on for us to share.Image attachment
2 months ago

No two women are ever alike. Each of us has that native embodied wisdom - wild, untamed, undomesticated body-mind and heart that is true for us, and this looks and feels different for each woman.

Whenever someone signs up for a Wild Woman’s Circle™, I do a happy dance or some ridiculous movement, usually in the kitchen.

As I unknowingly welcomed the rollercoaster ride of midlife as it brought all the unresolved trauma to deal with, I have to say the Wild Woman’s Circle™ and Embodied Female Pleasure™ have been the safest, non-judgemental and most beautiful sideways in to unravel old, outdated patterns and accepting who I am now.

Feeling Happy,
Relaxed IN our bodies,
Settled with who you are
Connecting with friends

This is the place within ourselves that we can come home to.

Most of my clients want to feel like themselves again, and witnessing their transformation through acceptance and healthier boundaries is what success looks like in my world, whether through personal mentoring work or the Wild Woman’s Circle™.

When we go off the rails from our feeling-good state, we start looking for quick fixes and boy; there is a tonne of stuff out there promising to fill this void.

What if we could fill that void through relational engagement, embodiment, connection, and ritual? Waking the Wild Woman archetype within, the part of you that knows how to heal and allows the body the space to lead.

In this month’s Circle, you are in for a deeper connection with parts of you that may be unfamiliar and lying dormant. We are going to wake them up lovingly.

You need no experience other than having some quiet, disturbed time where you can move your body in a way it wants to move without judgement or anyone watching.

I want you to remember who you are and what you came here for if you would love to join us.

Saturday, 23rd March, 1pm-4pm GMT.

Places are available; register via link below. Investment £35
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No two women are ever alike. Each of us has that native embodied wisdom - wild, untamed, undomesticated body-mind and heart that is true for us, and this looks and feels different for each woman.

Whenever someone signs up for a Wild Woman’s Circle™, I do a happy dance or some ridiculous movement, usually in the kitchen.

As I unknowingly welcomed the rollercoaster ride of midlife as it brought all the unresolved trauma to deal with, I have to say the Wild Woman’s Circle™ and Embodied Female Pleasure™ have been the safest, non-judgemental and most beautiful sideways in to unravel old, outdated patterns and accepting who I am now.

Feeling Happy,
Relaxed IN our bodies,
Settled with who you are
Connecting with friends

This is the place within ourselves that we can come home to.

Most of my clients want to feel like themselves again, and witnessing their transformation through acceptance and healthier boundaries is what success looks like in my world, whether through personal mentoring work or the Wild Woman’s Circle™.

When we go off the rails from our feeling-good state, we start looking for quick fixes and boy; there is a tonne of stuff out there promising to fill this void.

What if we could fill that void through relational engagement, embodiment, connection, and ritual? Waking the Wild Woman archetype within, the part of you that knows how to heal and allows the body the space to lead.

In this month’s Circle, you are in for a deeper connection with parts of you that may be unfamiliar and lying dormant. We are going to wake them up lovingly.

You need no experience other than having some quiet, disturbed time where you can move your body in a way it wants to move without judgement or anyone watching.

I want you to remember who you are and what you came here for if you would love to join us.

Saturday, 23rd March, 1pm-4pm GMT.

Places are available; register via link below. Investment £35
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